Asmita Choudhury

Asmita Choudhury is an independent researcher and an editor with a reputed academic publishing house in Kolkata, India, with a portfolio comprising reference, archival and organisational works. She holds a postgraduate degree in English Literature from the Department of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, with a specialisation in the literary analysis of music. Her unpublished Masters’ Dissertation project, titled “The Concept Album Testimonio: Resisting the Veracity Question”, is an analysis of the form of the concept album as a suitable vehicle for the testimonio genre. This apart, in a personal capacity, she has pursued various projects of literary analysis of music.
Decoding the Rap-Comic Complex in Childish Gambino’s Final LP

Decoding the Rap-Comic Complex in Childish Gambino’s Final LP

Through a dystopian plot, Childish Gambino’s final record attempts to narrate his insecurity, as opposed to its raw, uncomplicated exploration in Atavista.

Moses Sumney’s Self-Aware Icarus

Moses Sumney’s Self-Aware Icarus

With 2017’s Aromanticism, Moses Sumney negotiates the self as body and spirit and attempts to reconcile his emotions and sexuality with his religion.