Audrea Lim
Coinciding with the genesis of the Cabbage Patch Doll, Audrea Lim came into being in the early 1980s against a Fast Times at Ridgemont High-esque backdrop saturated with images of Olivia Newton-John, Burt Reynolds, and leg warmers. She grew up in Calgary, home of the infamous Stampede, where she indulged in the local punk and party scenes at various times in the post-Reality Bites era. During this time, she was also nationally competitive in classical piano, playing twice in the national finals of the Canadian Music Competitions. Audrea currently resides in Toronto, where she is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Physics and Philosophy at the University of Toronto. She divides her time between going to shows, drinking wine, going dancing, practicing kung fu, enjoying Toronto, and of course, intellectual pursuits and writing for PopMatters. She intends on pursuing a graduate degree in Philosophy in Europe or the United States in the future.