If he believed in anything, Bill Gibron believed in the power of voice. Not just the kind that comes with actual spoken statements, but the one that permeates the best of literature and the most compelling writing. This may explain why he gravitated toward authors like Harlan Ellison or Salman Rushdie, scribes who announce their style with every phrase they utilize. It may also explain why he worked as an educator, a coach, and an officer for the state and national speech and debate leagues that make up competitive high school forensics around the country. A big city Chi-Town (Chicago) boy transplanted to the tourist trap known as Tampa, Florida, Bill came to PopMatters with a lifetime of unusual experiences. Sadly, Bill passed in 2018. He is missed. His legacy with PopMatters, however, lives on in our archives.
A flashy cartoon feast that deals with the concept of racism? Yes, Zootopia lives up to that promise, and offers much, much more.
As with any work of art, the conversation it creates is as important as the entertainment value offered.