Bill Reagan

William Reagan decided to be born in Massachusetts because he knew that his accent would be a lifelong amusement to everyone on earth except people from Massachusetts. He decided to move to Maine because he was eleven and his parents were doing the same thing, and eleven is an impressionable age. He decided to move to Portland, Oregon because the fabulous woman who would give birth to his beautiful daughter eight years later moved there first. It is unlikely he will move again. William is a freelance advertising copywriter who champions the assertion that the most effective marketing speaks honestly to the audience, without gimmick and hyperbole, and that gratuitous use of sexuality is a deplorable method of marketing vacuum cleaners, banking, and college. He is an avid reader and writer of children's picture books, as well as haiku, essays, and occasional fiction. Evidence can be found at

The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English

Bailing Out the Bailout

Shirt Happens

Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Superstitions by The Diagram Group

One Last Legacy for Bush

The Manitobian Candidate

Semantricks & The Daily Candy Lexicon

I’ll Swap You Two Wydens for a Biden

Hope, Fear and Marketing

Let’s Spice-up the 2008 Election, Iron Chef-Style

Confessions of a Falling Woman by Debra Dean