Catherine Ramsdell

Fanfiction Is Not just for Trekkies Anymore (Not That there’s Anything Wrong with Trekkies)

Fanfiction Is Not just for Trekkies Anymore (Not That there’s Anything Wrong with Trekkies)

Can fanfiction be creative and original? Is it always derivative? Does fanfiction violate copyright laws? Is it plagiarism?
‘Guests on Earth’ Combines Elegant Language with a Strong Sense of Place

‘Guests on Earth’ Combines Elegant Language with a Strong Sense of Place

Guests on Earth is full of somewhat eccentric but often very likeable characters, thoughtful storylines, and probing questions.

‘Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore’ Is One of Those Books You Don’t Want to See End

How Did Prohibition Save Pretzels?

Why Are So Many Still Fascinated with ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’?

Criminal Conversations and Other Tricky Victorian Code for Adultery

‘Miss Homicide Plays the Flute’ Is Playful, Witty, Disturbing and Strange

Simone de Beauvior, Sigmund Freud, Diana Anthill and Others on Ageing

Can Anyone Grow Their Own Food ‘From the Ground Up’?

Why Do College Students Cheat?

Divorce Is an Economic Transaction, So Let’s Keep It Civil

‘Trash Animals’ Reveals the Endearing Traits of Snakes, Coyotes, Cockroaches, Pigeons and Others