Claire Greising

OHMME Enthralls Through Experimentimentation on New Album ‘Parts’

OHMME Enthralls Through Experimentimentation on New Album ‘Parts’

Self-recorded and self-produced, Parts places OHMME at the forefront of the experimental rock music scene.

Cullen Omori Indulges Listeners with ‘The Diet’

Cullen Omori Indulges Listeners with ‘The Diet’

Former Smith Westerns frontman Cullen Omori's sophomore solo album, The Diet, rethinks and revitalizes the classic love song.

Them Are Us Too and the Fabric of Grief

Them Are Us Too and the Fabric of Grief

Synthpop duo Them Are Us Too's new album, Amends, is a devastating and beautiful blend of sounds and genres.

Half Waif Searches for Home on ‘Lavender’

Half Waif Searches for Home on ‘Lavender’

Half Waif's new album is a veritable masterpiece. Each track intimately explores questions both large and small about relationships, politics, nostalgia, and identity.

Wild Child’s New Record Falls Short of ‘Expectations’

Wild Child’s New Record Falls Short of ‘Expectations’

Incredibly listenable and innately unimpressive, Wild Child's new album exemplifies why good is sometimes just not good enough.

Shopping Checks Out on Third Album ‘The Official Body’

Shopping Checks Out on Third Album ‘The Official Body’

On this tired, tired album, Shopping's sound is the most exhausted.

Madeline Kenney: Night Night at the First Landing

Madeline Kenney: Night Night at the First Landing

Madeline Kenney wows with her delicately transcendent debut album.
A Giant Dog: Toy

A Giant Dog: Toy

A Giant Dog throws listeners a bone with Toy.