Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson is a born and bred Virginian. Today he makes his home in Los Angeles where his work appears regularly in the LA Times, LA Weekly, LA Downtown News, and on the pages of the 8.72 cheap food column at Get Down Town. He's the project administrator of the Skid Row Reader, providing new and unique reading materials to adult literacy students in Los Angeles' notorious tenderloin. For more of his work, visit his website at FreeDanJohnson.com.
The Old Dominion in Song: Lamb of God’s “Hourglass” and Virginia’s Brand of Violence

The Old Dominion in Song: Lamb of God’s “Hourglass” and Virginia’s Brand of Violence

Bombardments, assaults, volley-fire, flank attacks -- this is the vocabulary of Virginia’s bellicose imagination. It's also an apt lexicon for describing Lamb of God’s catalog.
The Old Dominion in Song: Clipse and the Virginia Schism

The Old Dominion in Song: Clipse and the Virginia Schism

Though the trappings may be different, the rhetoric layered beneath Lord Willin’ is a borrowed form of dubious justification that reeks of the Virginia slave system.