High on Fire’s ‘Electric Messiah’ Is Home to Some of the Metal Band’s Fastest Songs
Now that the classic Motörhead line-up is hellraising on another astral plane, the Iron Fist has been passed to High on Fire.
Now that the classic Motörhead line-up is hellraising on another astral plane, the Iron Fist has been passed to High on Fire.
Vein's feverish spirit on record is, without question, their unique selling point.
Confidence oozes from Khemmis' Desolation . It's a six-song, 41-minute battle cry of triumph—and that's exactly what you want from doom-brandishing heavy metal.
Corrosion of Conformity have written a new record that harks back to their golden Deliverance and Wiseblood days, with the added doom-laden lurches of Keenan's last LP with the band, 2005's In the Arms of God.
Trident Wolf Eclipse is a traditionalist album for Watain; they have focused on straight-for-the-throat Swedish black metal without any stylistic detours.
PopMatters delves into the psyche of one of underground music's most fascinating new bands—ROPE SECT.
There's common ground between all 20 metal albums despite musical differences: the ability to provide a cathartic release for the creator and the consumer alike, right when we need it most.
Pay no heed to what the curmudgeons say as there are plenty of fascinating sounds being forged annually by new metal bands. 2017's swarm has been distilled…
Process of Guilt's dogged DIY survival during harsh economic times in a country not particularly well-known on a global level for its metal is proof that if you continue to stubbornly follow your passion good things can happen.