Erik Kersting

The Vast Loneliness of ‘No Man’s Sky’

The Vast Loneliness of ‘No Man’s Sky’

You cannot escape yourself in No Man's Sky. There is little to do but analyze the self.
‘No Man’s Sky’ and the Dark Underbelly of Gaming Criticism

‘No Man’s Sky’ and the Dark Underbelly of Gaming Criticism

No Man's Sky has clearly disappointed some people, and many reviewers and commentators aren't talking about the game in front of them, but rather the ghost of the game that they desired.

Exploring the Memories of a Dead Man in ‘Fallout 4’

The Vapid Raiders of ‘Fallout 4’

The Vapid Raiders of ‘Fallout 4’

Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4's predecessor, completely eclipses Fallout 4 in the area of creating a deep world filled to the brim with interesting characters and factions, whether they be friend or foe.

How Often Should Competitive Video Games Be Patched?

Chasing Fidelity: Nintendo’s Sudden Change in Course

Chasing Fidelity: Nintendo’s Sudden Change in Course

Whatever Nintendo will gain from the NX's new graphical competitiveness and by pursuing traditional gamers, we, the players, will lose.

The Embroidered Link: The Music of the ‘Legend of Zelda’ Series