Gabrielle Malcolm

Dr Gabrielle Malcolm is a writer, artist and academic based in the UK. She is known for her publications on Victorian literature and culture and her writing on Shakespeare on stage, TV and Film. She has published alongside writers such as AS Byatt in 'The Dickensian' journal, and her performance art pieces were featured in the Liverpool City of Culture celebrations in 2008, at the Liverpool Tate amongst other venues. Recent publications include a chapter in 'Writing Women of the Fin de Siecle: Authors of Change' (Palgrave McMillan, 2011). She is an avid fan of the Gothic and the Neo-Victorian. Her literary blog 'A Special Mention' has many followers and she can regularly be found tweeting @gabymalcolm, with fellow Shakespeareans and fans of Gene Kelly.

Looking for Wit in Sci-Fi Lit?: ‘Alien Contact’ Has It

The Curious Case of the Closure of the Charles Dickens Museum

‘What the Hell Are You Doing?’ This Is the David Shrigley Universe. Do You Want to Go There?

Colbert’s ‘And Nothing but the Truthiness’: Now THAT, Alanis Morrisette, Really IS Ironic!

‘Balzac’s Omelette’: Wherein Appetites Take Many Forms

Freud’s Couch, Scott’s Buttock’s, Brontë’s Grave’ Is a Bit Cheeky, but Conservative

Perhaps the Filmmaker Should Go Back Underground: ‘The Molly Dineen Collection: Volume 3’

‘Opera Adaptations; Vols 1-3’: A Synaesthetic Echo of the Operatic Performance

Doctor Who: Hornets’ Nest by Paul Mars

‘In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination’: Atwood Finds the Connection Between Wells & Orwell

‘The Tree’: The Story of a Young Culture in an Ancient Landscape

Sweetness in a World of Cruelty in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Apricot Jam and Other Stories’