Garret L. Castleberry (Ph.D., The University of Oklahoma) is Program Director and Associate Professor of Communication, Media, and Ethics at Mid-America Christian University. Garret has an interdisciplinary background in Communication Studies, Rhetoric, Performance Studies, Mass & Political Communication, with specialty areas in Genre, Film and Television Studies. His work has appeared in the scholarly journals Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies and the International Review for Qualitative Research. Contributions to edited anthologies on popular culture include chapters in "Television, Social Media, and Fan Culture" (Lexington Books, 2015), "Communication Theory & Millennial Popular Culture" (Peter Lang, 2015) and "The ESPN Effect" (Peter Lang, 2015). Projects on the horizon include analyses of True Detective, The Walking Dead, and Mel Brooks' sci-fi satire Spaceballs among others. Garret writes for the scholarly website and online journal In Media Res and Flow, as well as the upcoming contributions to the cultural encyclopedia "Hooray for Hollywood" (ABC Clio, 2016). He is currently co-editing the book, "Competition, Community, and Educational Growth: Contemporary Perspectives on Competitive Speech & Debate."
The narrative pivots and complicates the reality of Westworld in "Contrapasso". The show is about the most HBO-ized episode of an HBO drama ever produced.
"The Monster" is the narrative fork-in-the-road leading to the finale, as each character struggles to find their way out of real or metaphorical woods.