Jack Fisher

Born in the Baltimore/DC area, Jack Fisher is a lifelong comic book fan and aspiring writer. He has been writing daily since high school and has penned over three dozen fanfiction stories. He also has self-published two books, "Child of Orcus" and "Skin Deep." His favorite comics are X-men, Justice League, Superman, Batman, and Avengers. When he's not enjoying comics or writing, he's playing video games, watching football, and coming up with new ideas for future books.
Shattered Grids and Missing Connections: ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #31’

Shattered Grids and Missing Connections: ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #31’

The destruction wrought by Shattered Grid begins, but without the powerful components that make the Power Rangers so mighty.

Healing and Nuance Amidst the Violence in ‘Return of Wolverine #1’

Healing and Nuance Amidst the Violence in ‘Return of Wolverine #1’

Wolverine coming back to life surprises no one, but the particulars bring unexpected intrigue.

Time (Inevitably) Runs Out for the Superheroes in ‘X-men Blue #35’

Heroes, Criminals, and Heroes Operating As Criminals: ‘Astonishing X-men #15’

Evolving Revolutions in a Devolving World: ‘Scarlet #1’

Old, Gruff, and Gritty: Marvel’s ‘Old Man Logan #46’

Old, Gruff, and Gritty: Marvel’s ‘Old Man Logan #46’

Old Man Logan's time is running out, but rather than fight it, he makes every moment count.

Tenuous Temporal Deconstruction in Marvel’s ‘Extermination #1’

Unforgettably Unforgotten: ‘Fantastic Four #1’

‘X-men Gold Annual #2’ Is a Summer Camp Snoozer

Fighting for Love: Marvel’s ‘Mr. and Mrs. X #1’

‘The Life of Captain Marvel #1​’ Comic Preps Fans for the Upcoming ‘Captain Marvel’ Film

‘The Life of Captain Marvel #1​’ Comic Preps Fans for the Upcoming ‘Captain Marvel’ Film

Carol Danvers has a troublesome past. Here's an opportunity to get to know her better.

Mixed Matrimonial Machinations in ‘Batman #50’