Jesse Kavadlo

Jesse Kavadlo was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and is happily settled in suburban St. Louis. He has been fascinated with angsty novels, monster movies, alienated superheroes, ironic dystopias, and heavy metal for a few decades. He has a Ph.D. in English from Fordham University, is a professor at Maryville University, and gigs as the guitarist and singer for an 80s hard rock cover band. He has published several dozen essays in academic journals and book collections as well as three books, most recently American Popular Culture in the Era of Terror: Falling Skies, Dark Knights Rising, and Collapsing Cultures (Praeger, 2015).
​Michael Chabon and Pops Culture

​Michael Chabon and Pops Culture

If there is one thing even harder than parenting, it's writing about parenting well.

The End of Endings; or, Why Won’t Anyone Stay Dead?

The End of Endings; or, Why Won’t Anyone Stay Dead?

What does it mean when our stories and our characters, unlike our lives, refuse to come to an end?