Jezy J. Gray

Jezy J. Gray is a writer and editor based in Oklahoma City. His work appears or is forthcoming in ArtDesk, This Land, The Curbside Chronicle, D Magazine, The Tulsa Voice, Oklahoma Today and elsewhere. His essays "Wild Life" and "In My Tribe" are collected in the anthologies, A Voice Was Sounding: Vol. 5 (2015) and Race Reader (2017) from This Land Press.
Noise Rockers Chat Pile Mine the Depths of Human Misery (Without Being Miserable)

Noise Rockers Chat Pile Mine the Depths of Human Misery (Without Being Miserable)

Chat Pile’s full-length debut God’s Country is a grim yet thrilling soundtrack to American decline, drawing on heavy traditions from nu-metal to slasher films.

Deerhoof’s Greg Saunier on Making a Joyful Noise in Dreadful Times

Deerhoof’s Greg Saunier on Making a Joyful Noise in Dreadful Times

Deerhoof’s Greg Saunier, the hyper-expressive drummer, reflects on the band’s longevity, new LP, and the possibility of making a better world.