Joe Blessing

‘Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ All-Time Greatest Hits’ Is a Fun, But at Times Frustrating Read

‘Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ All-Time Greatest Hits’ Is a Fun, But at Times Frustrating Read

Binelli has his finger on the pulse of pop culture in this era, but Jay himself, as presented here, lacks a pulse.
Observing the World at Escape Velocity With Russell Banks

Observing the World at Escape Velocity With Russell Banks

Russell Banks latest is a throw-back to a bygone style of literary travel writing.
The Buying of the Light: An Eerie Debut on Consumption and Corporeality

The Buying of the Light: An Eerie Debut on Consumption and Corporeality

Kleeman's You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine is a powerfully feminine and disturbingly organic contribution to the literature of consumerism.