​Jon Glover

Jon Glover is a writer, musician, and professor of composition, literature, and media literacy. His work appears in Real Life Mag, The South Atlantic Review, Approaches to Teaching the Works of Edwidge Danticat (Routledge Press), Race and Displacement (U of Alabama Press), Digital Library of the Caribbean, Rhizomes, and The Florida Philosophical Review.
How ‘Watchmen’ and ‘The Boys’ Deconstruct American Fascism

How ‘Watchmen’ and ‘The Boys’ Deconstruct American Fascism

Superhero media has a history of critiquing the dark side of power, hero worship, and vigilantism, but none have done so as radically as Watchmen and The Boys.

‘Tiger King’ and the Post-Truth Culture War

‘Tiger King’ and the Post-Truth Culture War

Tiger King -- released during and dominating the streaming-in-lockdown era -- exemplifies in real-time the feedback loop between entertainment and ideology.