Jorge Albor

Jorge Albor is a writer from the San Francisco Bay Area. His academic background includes international politics and social impact games. In addition to his work on PopMatters, he writes and creates podcasts about video games at
‘Metal Gear Solid V’: The Phantom Pain and the Best Tutorial Ever Made

‘Metal Gear Solid V’: The Phantom Pain and the Best Tutorial Ever Made

Metal Gear Solid V's tutorial is like a parent tossing a child into the deep end of a pool, but not before subtly putting on those arm floaties. You’re drowning here, but not really.
Feeling Alone in ‘Everbody’s Gone to the Rapture’

Feeling Alone in ‘Everbody’s Gone to the Rapture’

I watch and I listen and I am helpless to provide solace to these people.
Joining ‘The Flock’

Joining ‘The Flock’

The Flock is this back-and-forth effort by a group of people to become the light bearer. While you hold the light, those you shine it on must freeze or die.
Perspectives on Death in ‘Game of Thrones – A Nest of Vipers’

Perspectives on Death in ‘Game of Thrones – A Nest of Vipers’

How do you decide who lives and who dies?
Gotham City Burning

Gotham City Burning

Gotham is burning in Batman: Arkham Knight, but what kindles its fires? In daylight, would we find that missing sense of place missing from the empty roads and sidewalks?
Some E3 Optimism

Some E3 Optimism

Danger Zone played Sahlin off the stage as a man in a zombie costume danced around on stage. But for a moment at least, I was more optimistic about E3 than ever.
Making Time for Fun

Making Time for Fun

"Fun isn’t the hard thing. The hard thing is remembering to have it." -- Bernie De Koven
‘Bloodborne’ and Learning to Improve

‘Bloodborne’ and Learning to Improve

Let me put this in no uncertain terms: Bloodborne is for everyone.
Storytelling and ‘Never Alone’

Storytelling and ‘Never Alone’

Never Alone lacks the confidence to tell its story in the language of the game.
‘Bloodborne’ and Firewalking: Play As Social Ritual

‘Bloodborne’ and Firewalking: Play As Social Ritual

Playing Bloodborne is like willingly partaking in a rite of passage, an individualized ritual imbued with social meaning.

Decision Making in ‘Life is Strange’ and ‘Game of Thrones’

‘Earthbound’ As Children’s Literature

‘Earthbound’ As Children’s Literature

Earthbound is a masterpiece meant for children, complete with all the daring, joyful, and deeply unsettling shards of truth this implies. Earthbound might be the best children’s game ever made.