Josh Indar

Josh Indar is a recovering journalist who currently writes novels and short stories. He lives in a little college town in Northern California, where he tutors homeless & foster youth and plays in a band called Severance Package. He holds an MFA in creative nonfiction from Antioch University, Los Angeles. email: [email protected]
Stream of (Music) Consciousness

Stream of (Music) Consciousness

The 'Marshall McLuhan' message borne by the MP3 revolution is clear: music is endlessly plentiful and entirely disposable. So what's the message of streaming?
Nobody Should Feel Embarrassed to Read YA Fiction

Nobody Should Feel Embarrassed to Read YA Fiction

Young Adult literature is not just for kids, and it fills an important niche left vacant by much of contemporary "adult" fiction.
Somebody Gave Me an Anonymous, Amazing Gift and It Totally Freaked Me Out

Somebody Gave Me an Anonymous, Amazing Gift and It Totally Freaked Me Out

I used to think stealing was subversive. Now I know I had it backwards.
You Can Achieve Greatness! Harnessing Your Pop Culture Spirit Animal

You Can Achieve Greatness! Harnessing Your Pop Culture Spirit Animal

Just as our bodies are made of recycled stars, our thoughts are spawned from bits of songs and books and movie dialogue. So what happens when your star gets old?

Is Rock ‘n’ Roll Dormant, Dying or Already Dead?

Climbing Out of the Transhuman Stew Pot, or, Why I’m Not a Singularitarian

We Aren’t the Mods and Other Sorry Tales of a Fashion Slave

Austerity and the Arts — and George W. Bush

Powers Gets the Save: ‘Eastbound & Down: Season 3’

Use Your Allusion

Wishing for the End