Mehan Jayasuriya

A veteran of many a cold winter, Mehan was born in Montreal and reared in Southeastern Wisconsin. After four years spent earning a degree in Japanese literature at the University of Chicago, he spent a year living in Japan before finally landing in Washington D.C. A technology policy activist by day, Mehan spends his nights listening to, watching, photographing and writing about music. You can visit his personal website at

Arcade Fire + Spoon: 6 Aug 2010 – Columbia, MD

M.I.A.: ///Y/

Crystal Castles: Crystal Castles

High Places: 24 May 2010 – Washington D.C.

The Depreciation Guild: Spirit Youth

A Weather: Everyday Balloons

The Return and Demystification of Neutral Milk Hotel’s Jeff Mangum

Casiotone for the Painfully Alone: 25.April.2010 – Washington D.C.

Titus Andronicus: 16.April.10 – Washington D.C.

Mi Ami: 15.April.2010 – Washington D.C.

Xiu Xiu + Tune-Yards: 14.April.10 – Washington D.C.

The Wedding Present: 9.April.2010 – Washington D.C.