Melissa Crawley

Melissa Crawley writes about popular culture with a special interest in television. Her published work includes articles on CSI and The O'Reilly Factor for the online journal Flow as well as a chapter on reality television for The Great American Makeover: Television, History and Nation. Her book, Mr. Sorkin Goes to Washington: Shaping the President on Television's

How to Look Good Naked: Shedding Clothes, Gaining a BFF

Back to the Future with ‘The Event’ and ‘The Real Housewives of D.C.’

‘Caprica’ Season Premiere: Better Grieving Through Technology

It’s Technology, My Dear Watson: Sherlock for the 21st Century

Let’s Get Physical: Casting Choices on ‘Nikita’

‘Spartacus’: There Will Be Blood, Lots of It

Why I’m Not Watching Jersey Shore (Anymore)

Extreme Makeover: Hoarding Edition