Michael Antman

Michael Antman is a two-time finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Balakian Award for Excellence in Reviewing. He is the author of the novel Cherry Whip (ENC Press, 2004), and recently completed a new novel, Everything Solid Has a Shadow. His website, where most of his writing is collected, is at Michael Antman Author.com.

Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics II’ Is Uneven, But With a Few Bleakly Satisfying Moments

‘Dimanche and Other Stories’: An Entomologist of Evil

‘A Tale of Love and Darkness’: A Child of Israel and the Children of Palestine

Viewing the World at the Level of the Snail’s Lowly Trail

We Are Fueled by the Fat of Their Land


My Times in Black and White

Solar by Ian McEwan

A Common Pornography

The Lives of Others

The Inevitable Death of Julian Barnes and Everyone Else

Trouble the Water