Michael Mariani

Big Scary: Not Art

Big Scary: Not Art

Big Scary continues their musical pastiche adventure, employing Iansek's raspy falsetto, minimalist drum lines and inventive, affecting piano interludes to create a compact work of commendable ingenuity
Ghost Beach: Blonde

Ghost Beach: Blonde

Whether it's the jaunty beats, syncopated guitar rhythms, or dramatic drops, Blonde feels like the soundtrack to a neon-swathed beach house party, a joy ride on a cool summer night, or a nostalgia-fueled recreation of the original passion pits.
Planningtorock: All Love’s Legal

Planningtorock: All Love’s Legal

Almost every single song on All Love’s Legal delivers some sort of message about gender, sexuality, and Rostron’s desire to tear down the demarcations and hierarchies that arguably imprison them.
Wild Cub: Youth

Wild Cub: Youth

When you mix the electro-theater of new wave with the organic sweetness of an indie folk collective, results may vary.
Freudian Trip: Why We Still Can’t Get ‘The Shining’ Out of Our Heads

Freudian Trip: Why We Still Can’t Get ‘The Shining’ Out of Our Heads

Freud theorized that to experience the uncanny was to awaken intellectual uncertainty. Kubrick's The Shining understands this to a masterful degree.