Michael Patrick Brady

Michael Patrick Brady is a writer and editor from Boston. His work has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Boston Phoenix, Forbes.com, and ALARM Magazine, among others. Like all those who have more opinions than places to put them, he maintains a blog and collects his various publications at his website.

‘James Joyce: A Life’: A Fine Rendition of this Brilliant, Sensitive, Churlish, Inconsiderate Figure

‘Heretics’ Makes It Very Clear: The Devil Is In the Details

Europe’s Radical Influence on America: ‘An Unfinished Revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln’

‘The Civil War: 150th Anniversary Commemorative Edition’ Is Simply Profound

Umberto Eco’s ‘Confessions of a Young Novelist’ Explores What It Means to Read and Feel Literature

‘Why Marx Was Right’ from a Witty, Insightful Thinker with a Penchant for Glib Asides and Wry Dash

‘Blood Work’ Is a Compelling Account of Early Scientific Transgressions

‘The S Word’: A System of Belief as American as Apple Pie

’20 Under 40: Stories from the New Yorker’ Boasts Some Heavily Lauded Writers

Democracy’s Egalitarianism vs. Capitalism’s Inequality: ‘American Colossus’

Modern Classical Music Critic Alex Ross Looks Into the Future

‘My Year of Flops’ Teases Out What’s Great About Even the Worst Movies