Michael Patrick Brady

Michael Patrick Brady is a writer and editor from Boston. His work has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Boston Phoenix, Forbes.com, and ALARM Magazine, among others. Like all those who have more opinions than places to put them, he maintains a blog and collects his various publications at his website.

Marcus Aurelius: A Life by Frank McLynn

The Landmark Herodotus by Robert B. Strassler

The Evolution of God by Robert Wright

Meriwether Lewis by Thomas C. Danisi

Judas: A Biography by Susan Gubar

You Are Here by Christopher Potter

Paris from the Ground Up by James H. S. McGregor

John Zorn by John Brackett

The Invention of Air by Steven Johnson

London Rising: The Men Who Made Modern London by Leo Hollis

Miles on Miles, ed Paul Maher Jr., Michael K. Dorr

Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, by John Stauffer