Norman Ball

NORMAN BALL's poems and essays have appeared in Light Quarterly, Asia Times, Counterpunch, The Berkeley Poetry Review, Rattle, Liberty, Foreign Policy Journal, Global Research and elsewhere. He has a new poetry collection Serpentrope from White Violet Press and his book on TV Culture, Between River & Rock: How I Resolved Television in Six Easy Payments is available from Giant Steps Press with a viewable excerpt at the Museum of American Poetics. Prior essay collections, How Can We Make Your Power More Comfortable? (2010) and The Frantic Force (2011), both widely available on the web, are published by Del Sol Press and Petroglyph Books, respectively. His recent play SIDES: A Civil War Musical (Inspired by The Red Badge of Courage) is currently being produced for TV by Last Tango Productions, LLC. His recent book on TV culture
The Odd Thing About Dissent Is the Illusion of Its Virginity

The Odd Thing About Dissent Is the Illusion of Its Virginity

There are people in jail right now, others in early graves over this whole dissent business.
‘This Idea Must Die’ Puts Speculative Self-correction Back in the Driver’s Seat

‘This Idea Must Die’ Puts Speculative Self-correction Back in the Driver’s Seat

This collection from 175 scientific luminaries is something between a Faustian romp and a dilettante’s bedside companion.
The Unending Saga of Internet Cops, Robbers, and the Rest of Us

The Unending Saga of Internet Cops, Robbers, and the Rest of Us

Creative chaos may be the mother of Internet invention. But inventiveness is a threat to the Powers-that-be. Is crime-fighting just another handy euphemism for Orwellian consolidation?
Scott Walker and Sunn O))): If You Don’t Beat Me, the Stasi Will

Scott Walker and Sunn O))): If You Don’t Beat Me, the Stasi Will

Soused’s trapped, bleating circus elephants are harbingers of the prison-planet drones and transhuman monstrosities yet to come. Prepare for heightened beatings, motherfuckers.

Big Data Follows and Buries Us in Equal Measure

A Ton of Feathers: Behind Enemy Lines with the Sonnet

The Stubborn Speed of Sound Advice

Scott Walker, The Only One Left Alive

The Angel of History’s Outstretched, Crumpled Wings: Marketing David Bowie

The Stars Are Out Tonight at Our Thoughtless Instigation: David Bowie’s New Day

This Is Your Brain on YouTube