Rachel Balik

Spilling out of college and into New York City with a wildly useful degree in English, Philosophy and Theater, Rachel has pursued some mix of all three at varying points while maintaining a consistent passion for writing and the study of aesthetics. Finally settling into a day job as an "Internet Librarian"/staff writer at findingDulcinea.com, Rachel nurtures her passion for stories, music and colorful non-fiction as a book reviewer. She is committed to investigating the political and emotional role of art in society, and makes her own stories, music, and theater whenever possible. Rachel also offers "Relevant Irreverence for The Internet Age" at wickedwitchoftheweb.blogspot.com. Her favorite word to overuse is "meta".

A Roadmap to Impactful Protest: ‘Ten Years That Shook the City’

On Love, Loss and an Unexpected Life: ‘Everything Beautiful Began After’

The Unfathomable Complexities of Our Most Basic Instinct: ‘Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue’

How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going? Your iPhone Knows the Answer Because It’s ‘Always On’

A Spoonful of Humor Makes the Feminism Go Down in Tina Fey’s ‘Bossypants’

‘The Moral Landscape’: Values and Belief are Represented in the Brain, but What Does That Mean?

‘Sunset Park’ Casts Shadows on a Tenuous Reality

Seasoned Playwright Brooke Berman Finds Home in a New Genre

A Rant On Modern Culture Falls Victim To Its Own Accusations In ‘Ego and Soul’

Questioning Values, With a Twist

Dave Barry May Not Be Mature in ‘I’ll Mature When I’m Dead’, But He’s Aged

The Best American Non-Required Reading 2009 ed. Dave Eggers