Robert Loss

Robert Loss is an assistant professor in the Writing, Literature, and Philosophy department at Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) in Columbus, Ohio. He is the author of Nothing Has Been Done Before: Seeking the New in 21st Century American Popular Music (Bloomsbury Academic, 2017). His music criticism and journalism have been published in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Public Books, and Ghettoblaster. Visit him at

Bruce Springsteen Shouts at the Hard of Hearing

Grunge: Straining to Challenge the Status Quo

Not Gonna Lie: ‘The Hunger Games’, Twitter, and Reverse Victimization

We Need This Map: Tony Judt and Timothy Snyder’s ‘Thinking the Twentieth Century’

Past Present Future: An Interview with the Carolina Chocolate Drops

The Malefactors of Great Wealth: Today Is the Best Day of My Life

Afflicting the Comfortable: An Interview with Terry Moore

Strong and Soft Opinions: Tony Judt, Public and Private

‘Best Music Writing 2010’ Ought to Be a Collection of Risks

Philip Roth’s ‘Nemesis’: The Case Against God and Man

New Theories of Everything Prompted by Guided by Voices Appreciation Night, or, Good News

High Stakes Criticism: An Interview with Greil Marcus