Shawn O'Rourke

Shawn O'Rourke is an Adjunct Instructor and Speech and Debate Coach at Orange Coast Community College. He has an MA in History and has presented papers at several academic conferences. He is on Facebook and can be followed on twitter (spo1981). Check out his blogs at and
Akira Kurosawa Films 101: 1991 – 1993

Akira Kurosawa Films 101: 1991 – 1993

Today we end our examination of every Akira Kurosawa film. After the ambitious epic Ran, Kurosawa embarked a three smaller but more personal films.

More Story to Tell: “New Lone Wolf and Cub Volume 1”

More Story to Tell: “New Lone Wolf and Cub Volume 1”

In the first year of The Iconographies, we took an in-depth critical tour of the wonder that is Lone Wolf and Cub. Now, as creator Kazuo Koike returns to his magnum opus, so do we…

The Exorcist: 3 July – 12 August 2012 – Los Angeles

Comic Con Explores the Digital Future of Comics

Jonah Lehrer and the Debate Over Self-Plagiarism

Re: Digital: Thomas Pynchon (and Others) Succumb to E-Readers

Too Many Books, Too Little Time: The Synthetic Reader Solution

Dispatches from the E-Reader Wars

The Evolving Anthropological Tone of Star Wars in “Dawn of the Jedi”

Prodigal Sons and Daughters Return in Teen Titans #1

And… Action! It’s ‘Deathstroke #1’

Terry Moore Rising?