Subashini Navaratnam

‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Will Have You Seriously Considering That the Rich Really Should Be Eaten

‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Will Have You Seriously Considering That the Rich Really Should Be Eaten

This tale takes pains to emphasise the difference between the crass newly-rich mainland Chinese (yay!) and the rich-for-like-forever distinguished Chinese families (boo!).
‘Saving Face’: On Battling Social Death

‘Saving Face’: On Battling Social Death

This is not to dwell on narcissism, but to explore how beliefs and assumptions of appearance are put to work in this culture, and how it produces newly-anxious and increasingly insecure subjectivities.
How the Fashion Industry Cannibalises the Planet

How the Fashion Industry Cannibalises the Planet

Stiched Up is an accessible, lucid book that analyses the exploitation inherent in capitalism through the often violent operations of the fashion industry.
On Those Who Must Work as Whores and Those Who Can Afford to Just Play at It

On Those Who Must Work as Whores and Those Who Can Afford to Just Play at It

The debate about sex work is usually about the spectacle that accompanies “sex”, rather than about the sex workers and the work of sex. That needs to change.
The Perils of ‘Dressing Dangerously’

The Perils of ‘Dressing Dangerously’

Jonathan Faiers explores the "negative cinematic wardrobe" through a detailed reading of classic and mainstream films of American and British cinema.
‘Do Muslim Women Need Saving?’

‘Do Muslim Women Need Saving?’

This is an elegant, concise book on the entanglement of feminism with imperialism by a foremost anthropologist in her field.

‘Popular Culture in Asia’ Affixes a Select, Predictable Focus

Charles Dickens’s Catherine Havisham, Virgin Queen of Satis House

A Masterwork of Dutch Art Ties Together a Novel About Death, Loss, and Living

Revisiting Austen’s Tale of Two Sisters, Marianne and Elinor in ‘Sense and Sensibility”

Marie NDiaye’s Stories Rattle at the Door of Complacency; They Disturb Everything

Race-in-America Is a Central Character in ‘Americanah’