Tobias Peterson

Tobias Peterson served as PopMatters' Sport Editors and columnist (From the Cheap Seats). He holds an MA in English Literature (with a concentration in Cultural Studies) from George Mason University, where he studied representations of race in professional basketball. He is not, however, an athlete. He's broken his ankle playing basketball, broken several fingers playing football, and donated a good deal of skin to a Portland, Oregon hillside will attempting to ride a bike. He once managed to score the winning goal during his youth soccer playoffs -- though it was accidentally against his own team. Having lived in Germany, England, Florida, Virginia, Texas, and Oregon, his sporting allegiances are widespread and generally futile. When he's not analyzing sports culture, he writes poetry and teaches writing in Portland, Oregon.

Discipline and Punish: The Official Functions

Seven Silver Linings for 2007

New American Gladiators: The Rise of Mixed Martial Arts

Paul Bowles

Vaccination Scars: NASCAR in the Popular Imagination

Allen Ginsberg: The Politics of Ecstasy

Schlock Jock: The Selling of a Quarterback

The Tyranny of Numbers

Who’s Doggin’ Who?

Boo-Ya!: The Sound and the Fury

The Fall of Foos

Rising Son – The Legend of Skateboarder Christian Hosoi (2006)