Vince Carducci

Vince Carducci is a cultural critic and publisher of the blog Motown Review of Art. He writes about the visual and literary arts, popular and consumer culture, politics, and the media. In 2010, he received the Kresge Arts in Detroit Fellowship for Criticism. He is Dean Emeritus at College for Creative Studies in Detroit. Follow him on Twitter @cultrindustreez

Attack of the Killer Fashionistas

America: Dressed to Kill

Consuming the American Landscape by John Ganis

Red, White and Liberal: How Left is Right and Right is Wrong by Alan Colmes

Rumsfeld: A Personal Portrait by Midge Dector

The New Imperialism by David Harvey

War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race by Edwin Black

Off with their Heads: Traitors, Crooks and Obstructionists in American Politics, Media and Business

A Consumer’s Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America by Lizabeth Cohen

Something for Nothing: Luck in America by Jackson Lears