Bee Vs. Moth call themselves a “multiple-genre, weirdo instrumental rock band from Austin, Texas.” I’m not sure I would have phrased it quite that way, but it’s a fairly reasonable self-assesment. Throughout Acronymous there are musical allusions to Don Caballero, Herb Alpert, Ornette Coleman, and, maybe distantly, a more raucous Calexico. In any case, their Austin roots are strong: not one of Acronymous’ tracks could be considered uninteresting to the educated listener. “ICP On Parade” marches into a brass fumble and rights itself again. “Peter Benko” begins with a Blood Brothers-esque rhythm only to end up sounding something like garage jazz. Are those comparisons even fair? Is garage jazz real? Not sure. The Bee Vs. Moth gang might know, though. I recommend you find out.
Bee Vs. Moth: Acronymous
Bee Vs. Moth
Aggraveire Music