Black Helicopter: Invisible Jet

Black Helicopter
Invisible Jet
Ecstatic Peace

Despite both the band and album name, Black Helicopter’s Invisible Jet won’t sneak up on anyone. The group dirties up its guitars and powers ahead for the length of the disc, mixing some metal influences with a grunge feel. The resulting sound comes across a little as a throwback, but without the baggage that term usually carries. The opening ode to a car may lyrically be an updated ’50s romp, but songwriter Tim Shea shows he can nail intense problems on “Take My Life”, in which a divorced man growls, “How’s my kids / How’s my wife / How’s my house / How’s my wife?” The wordplay is more functional than impressive, but it combines with the music for an effective and surprisingly even-keeled track. The album, while enjoyable throughout, seldom reaches that kind of memorable peak, leaving this Invisible Jet a good ride, but a little short on thrust.

RATING 6 / 10