
Photo: Neil McQueen

Denmark’s Blaue Blume Create Gorgeous Electropop on “Loveable” (premiere)

Denmark's Blaue Blume gently mould a lushly textured backing with little more than twinkling, arpeggiated synths and chilly electronics on "Loveable".

Danish band Blaue Blume return with the second taster of their forthcoming Bell of Wool album. “Loveable” is a slow-burning, elegant art-pop song with an accompanying video featuring arresting footage from frontman Jonas Holst Schmidt.

On “Loveable” Blaue Blume gently mould a lushly textured backing with little more than twinkling, arpeggiated synths and chilly electronics. It’s the perfect, glacial bed for Jonas Holst Schmidt’s fragile, stirring vocals. Vocally, Schmidt sounds as if he is quietly trying to find both an outlet for his despair and a balm to soothe the pain. That feeling seems to reach its natural conclusion as the drums kick in and the mood lifts – like sunlight suddenly pouring into a dark, dusty room.

The lo-fi video fits the song’s atmospheric, electronic soundscapes beautifully with many of the images coming from Schmidt himself. “I have a massive slow motion-video archive on my iPhone that documents everything from the movement of fish in the water to breathing chests and eyes behind lids stirring in reveries.” Schmidt explains. “MayaSB thought it was necessary to implement some of the footage in this video. From an objective perspective, it tells the story of an outcast living among sheep. The pulse of the song draws a fragmented heart in the foreground.”

Bell of Wool will be released on 8 November.