
Photo: David Doobinin

Brendan Hines Delivers No-frills Video for No-frills Track “New Hat” (premiere)

Brendan Hines is comfortable in front of the camera but, more importantly, he has something to say with a track inspired by sleep deprivation.

Brendan Hines is no stranger to the screen, having a role on Amazon’s The Tick (as Superian) as well as appearances on Lie to Me, Scandal and others. So, it makes sense that he seems thoroughly comfortable in his latest music video, “New Hat”, a tune that not only displays his melodic know-how but a sense of humor that doesn’t draw undue attention to itself and yet manages to serve as a pleasant surprise in the musical mix. Hines’ voice and writing to take center stage rather than layering the tune with unnecessary gimmicks.

He adds that he took a similar approach with making the video. “I wrote ‘New Hat’ loopy with jet lag while visiting New Zealand. I was driving from the South Island to the North, listening to the radio coverage of the 2016 presidential race, and amusing myself by making up rhymes. The video is a proudly gimmick-less throwback to the old Talking Heads and Elvis Costello videos of the ’80s and there exists no deeper theme than me wanting to see if it was possible for me to look cool.”

Hines’ latest album, Qualms, is out now.