
Britney Spears – “Make Me…” ft. G-Eazy (Singles Going Steady)

If you're a Britney Spears fan from back in the day, you'll likely be all over this steamy ballad.

Steve Horowitz: The song “Make Me” serves as a soundtrack to a video about the cool kids — the beautiful girls and handsome boys who indulge themselves and flaunt their good looks and desires. Fans will gyrate to the moves and imagine living the fantasy lifestyle, but without the video the song is nothing special. G-Eazy doesn’t add much to the mix. He just breaks up the monotony like the fat guy doing the dance moves. The professionalism and perfection of the whole thing is impressive but ultimately unsatisfying. [6/10]

Chris Ingalls: In case anyone was looking for her, Britney’s back with a new album out later this month. “Make Me…” is the first single and if you’re a fan from back in the day, you’ll likely be all over this steamy ballad. The verses (and accompanying video) have a sort of faux-erotic “get a room” feel to them, and it almost seems like Britney’s embarrassing plea for relevance (complete with a nondescript rap by G-Eazy). But, to be fair, the chorus soars. [6/10]

Chad Miller: I really like this Britney song. The music is exquisite, but there also seems to be a lot of sincerity in the less produced vocals and in the lyrics. The majority of the song refers to sex, but there’s also a sweeter and more innocent form of desire at work too. This is exacerbated by the sugar-sweet music on lines like “You’re the spark that won’t go out / My heart’s on fire when you’re around.” This symbiotic relationship between the music and the lyrics extends throughout the track and really lets the song stand out. [8/10]

SCORE: 6.66