Food Drink

When the Past Sits at Your Dinner Table: ‘The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook’

When the Past Sits at Your Dinner Table: ‘The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook’

Fania Lewando wrote the first European vegetarian cookbook in Yiddish. Then the Nazis the came.
For Good Food Go North: An Interview With Iceland’s Chef Gunnar Karl Gislason

For Good Food Go North: An Interview With Iceland’s Chef Gunnar Karl Gislason

A new generation of Icelandic chefs and consumers are rediscovering the value, and taste, of local food traditions.
With ‘Spices & Seasons’ the Pleasure Is in the Results

With ‘Spices & Seasons’ the Pleasure Is in the Results

Today's cookbook buyer expects great writing, tight editing, and museum-level photography. We also expect fantastic food.
This Ain’t Your Grandma’s Challah Bread: New Jewish Cooking & Wine Brewing

This Ain’t Your Grandma’s Challah Bread: New Jewish Cooking & Wine Brewing

The Covenant Kitchen's authors don't expect Jews to renounce their historically abstemious ways, but they wish we'd have a glass.
Good Food, Big Ideas: An Interview With Chef Christian Puglisi of Copenhagen’s Relae

Good Food, Big Ideas: An Interview With Chef Christian Puglisi of Copenhagen’s Relae

With three restaurants, a Michelin star, and now a new book under his belt, Puglisi leads a new generation of chefs in shaking up food culture.
Beyond Compost: An Interview With Eugenia Bone

Beyond Compost: An Interview With Eugenia Bone

Canning is like having an investment or retirement fund in your pantry. You make small deposits over time, and there’s a huge payoff in convenience, in flavor.
‘Bitter’ Is Another Brave Exploration Into the Gustatory Outlands

‘Bitter’ Is Another Brave Exploration Into the Gustatory Outlands

Jennifer McLagan loves a controversial ingredient. Her cookbooks include works on bones, fat, and the scary bits. Now it's time to get bitter.
In Defense of Brunch

In Defense of Brunch

A provocative and insightful new book challenges us to rethink our obsession with brunch, and to critically consider what this overpriced, messy meal really says about shifting class identities in today’s world.
Anupy Singla’s ‘Indian for Everyone’ Has Me Asking: What Defines a Good Cookbook?

Anupy Singla’s ‘Indian for Everyone’ Has Me Asking: What Defines a Good Cookbook?

A relentless sales pitch aimed at Midwestern "moms" grates in this Indian cookbook. Ignore the patter and focus on the recipes.
The Fine Art of Making Mistakes: An Interview with Dana Cowin

The Fine Art of Making Mistakes: An Interview with Dana Cowin

Food & Wine's editor-in-chief Dana Cowin talks about gender, politics, and mastering your mistakes in the kitchen.
The Grandmother Is Gone: Janna Gur’s ‘Jewish Soul Food’

The Grandmother Is Gone: Janna Gur’s ‘Jewish Soul Food’

With Jewish Soul Food Israeli Food Writer Janna Gur tries to create a "greatest hits from our Jewish Grandmothers." Only the grandmothers aren't around to help.
Three Strikes: Ovenly’s Out

Three Strikes: Ovenly’s Out

Ovenly's recipes are hip, exciting, and accessible. If only they worked.