The All Too Prescient Assassin in ‘Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate’
The world has reached a point where clichéd cartoon depictions of authoritarianism as seen in Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate become pointed political commentary.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Prepares for ‘Titanfall 2’
This week on the Moving Pixels podcast we discuss the mechs, robots, and AI of Titanfall 2.
Moving Pixels Podcast: Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3 – Catch a Ride
This week we discuss more hijinks from Tales from the Borderlands.
‘Knee Deep’ Has a Great Setting That Ruins the Game
Knee Deep's elaborate stage isn't meant to convey a sense of spatial reality, it's really just a mechanism for cool scene transitions. And boy are they cool.
‘Assassin’s Creed – Syndicate’: Power Abhors a Vacuum
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate's politics are painted with broad strokes, but in these times of absurd politics, those broad strokes become pointed commentary.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Goes ‘Knee Deep’ in Swamp Noir
This week the Moving Pixels podcast begins a three-part discussion of Knee Deep, a "swamp noir" we all agree has a great setting. However, we can't agree on much more than that.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Discusses ‘Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2’
Our foray into the adventure-game-style version of the Borderlands continues.
Navigating the Hollywood Monsters of the ‘Resident Evil’ Videogame Franchise
From crawling to walking to running to the White House: dissecting 20 years of zombie evolution, courtesy of Resident Evil.
The Thoughtful Absurdity of ‘Spaceplan’
Spaceplan is a goofy game that still manages to pack a potent emotional punch.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Goes ‘Full Throttle’
The violence and bravado of biker culture meets the careful logic of the adventure game in the Lucas Arts classic Full Thottle.
‘Pinstripe’ Makes for a Lovely Hell
Thomas Brush's talent is in creating compelling worlds through images that are both whimsical and haunting in equal measure.