Moving Pixels
We’re All Animals in ‘Far Cry: Primal’
Primal gives the Far Cry series the thematic link it has always been missing.
Playing to Lose: The Tragedy of ‘This Is the Police’
Video gamers are not accustomed to playing to lose.
The Delicate and Dangerous AI of ‘Event[0]’
Event[0] exposes artificial life as more delicate than our tropes and clichés have led us to believe.
Community and Collaboration in ‘Battle for Wesnoth’
The one part of gaming that can lay claim to true, untarnished ‘freeness’ is the open-source world, where other incentives besides profit drive creativity.
Colonial Power in ‘Dishonored 2’
Emily is no representative of lawful order in an otherwise chaotic world.
‘Kingdom Death: Monster’ and the Allure of Knowing that “You Really Shouldn’t…”
In an age when I can I have nearly anything shipped to me in three to five days by Amazon, Kingdom Death: Monster's exclusivity is its chief lure.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Interrogates ‘Virginia’
This week we discuss how Virginia explores themes of power, corruption and identity through its cinematic gameplay.
Exposition Dumps Don’t Need Dialogue in ‘Virginia’
Virginia manages to have an exposition dump without wordy exposition.