Short Ends and Leader

Independent Film Festival Boston 2016: ‘Under the Shadow’

Independent Film Festival Boston 2016: ‘Under the Shadow’

Set in war-torn Iran, Under the Shadow executes satisfying scares against the backdrop of an intelligent social drama.
‘The Whip Hand’ Runs Free With the Other Tied Behind Its Back

‘The Whip Hand’ Runs Free With the Other Tied Behind Its Back

From Nazis to the Cold War in one painful lesson.
‘The Winter’ Leaves Its Viewers Feeling Cold

‘The Winter’ Leaves Its Viewers Feeling Cold

The Winter is not a ghost story, or a love story, or a horror story: it's a black hole of disengagement.
‘Disruptive Film’ Creates a Constellation Where the Past and Present Meet

‘Disruptive Film’ Creates a Constellation Where the Past and Present Meet

One should approach this collection not unlike how Walter Benjamin approached collecting books: ".... not as dry, isolated facts, but as a harmonious whole..."
Sam Fuller Gives Us the Bird in ‘Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street’

Sam Fuller Gives Us the Bird in ‘Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street’

A restoration of one of Fuller's obscurer free-for-alls, it's an odd bird.
Lenny Abrahamson’s ‘Room’ Could Change Our Perceptions of Mental Illness

Lenny Abrahamson’s ‘Room’ Could Change Our Perceptions of Mental Illness

Few films explore abuse, mental illness, and post traumatic stress disorder as realistically and poignantly as Room.
Marvel’s Secret Weapon Can Bridge the Gap Between Its Movies and Netflix Series

Marvel’s Secret Weapon Can Bridge the Gap Between Its Movies and Netflix Series

The Marvel Cinematic Universe might benefit from recruiting one of its forefathers before expanding further into the unknown.
Boston Underground Film Festival 2016: ‘Wendigo’

Boston Underground Film Festival 2016: ‘Wendigo’

Wendigo is an artful examination of the role of myth in shaping our understanding of a chaotic world. It's also terrifying.
Surveying the World As It Twists and Turns: Ten Classics From the Criterion Collection

Surveying the World As It Twists and Turns: Ten Classics From the Criterion Collection

Keeping your head above the flood of Blu-rays is easier when buoyed by Gilda and Mrs. Robinson.
Boston Underground Film Festival 2016: ‘Kill Your Friends’

Boston Underground Film Festival 2016: ‘Kill Your Friends’

American Psycho heads across the pond in a fun, albeit derivative, dark comedy about a sociopathic music label A&R man in the midst of the Britpop craze.
Boston Underground Film Festival 2016: ‘The Lure’

Boston Underground Film Festival 2016: ‘The Lure’

There's no denying the worthiness of The Lure's experimental qualities, but its characters get drowned in the music and never really find their way out.
‘Cry of the Hunted’ Is a Little Movie With a Lot Going On

‘Cry of the Hunted’ Is a Little Movie With a Lot Going On

Cry of the Hunted is an intriguing B film with homoerotic subtext galore.