With so many Brooklyn transplants desperately aping off Animal Collective or trying to become part of whatever obscure subculture seems to be in fashion this week, it’s refreshing to hear a rock group from the hipster borough who sound nothing like their Billyburg neighborhood brethren. More No More is the first album from Connecticut natives Conversion Party. The effort borrows modestly from some rather unexplosive indie acts (Big Star, Teenage Fan Club, early-era Spoon) to mold a healthy dose of genuine and sobering pop songs, each one bearing its own unique share of big hooks, vocal harmonies and adorably catchy lyrics.
Most of the songs on More No More lean toward the pop end of the spectrum. “Big Bang” features bouncy lead giutars and the memorable line “Kiss me honey / Take the words out from my mouth”. “Hurry, Hurry” adds some handclaps and staccato-heavy piano to the mix. The shimmering guitar lines of “Ron” is ousted only by its “whooing” background vox and a melodic bass line during the chorus.
Conversion Party can also turn on the drama, as with the sentimental coming-of-age ballad “Frank Sinatra” and the delicate and dainty vocals on “Diamond”. There’s also the anthemic sing-along “On a Train” — a gut-wrenching tune which speaks to those of us clinging to our youth. Maybe it’s due to the fact that the band is partly residing in their native hood of New London, Connecticut, but Conversion Party seem firmly rooted in traditional indie pop without getting in over their heads. And in today’s hype-seeking blog-culture this is a feat in of itself.