Cool in Korea, Part II

Another thing that I found cool in Korea was this:

Can you figure out what it is? . . .

It could be a riddle. You know: “what starts out inert and no taller than the ground, then rises to heights taller than any other mortal . . .”

“. . . is born in impending darkness, and grows to maturity in illumination . . .”

“. . . requires aid to stand, then moves under its own power.”

An . . . advertisement?

Okay, fine, it isn’t a riddle on the order of that posed by The Sphinx and solved by Oedipus, but still, it could be a puzzler for some. I suppose.

And yes, I admit, it’s a rather small thing — well, not the structure, itself — but this form of advertising is a minor aspect of nightlife over in South Korea. Still, it’s a feature worth perhaps the 30 seconds of curiosity it takes to fill the diaphanous canvas with a current of air and snap off a few photographs of its accreting tumescence.

Okay, I’ll admit . . . not really cool.

But, still, a little out of the rest-of-the worldly norm.

Unless any other of you peripatetics have encountered this form of communication elsewhere.

If so, let us know.