“Scared and Alone” is the latest track culled from Crippled Black Phoenix’s recent Bronze LP and we are happy to premiere a new video to accompany the track. Carried by gorgeous piano figures (courtesy Daisy Chapman) and brilliant vocal performance from Belinda Kordic, the track updates 1970s chamber prog while remaining true to the vision this collective has established for itself via previous records such as (Mankind) The Crafty Ape and I, Vigilante.
With mournful horns, singing, searing guitars, the track reveals new truths about CBP’s depth and musical reach. The video, featuring a story and illustrations by Costin Chioreanu, is a fine example of visuals that complement the music while finding high levels of expression on their own terms.
Crippled Black Phoenix’s Bronze is out now from Season of Mist and may be ordered here.