Harlem Shakes w/ Deerhoof
Diary #5
Being in a band with five go-getters means that someone always wants to show the other guys some cool new music (“dude, have you guys heard “Mental Perturbation” by Morton Feldman“), tell a joke (“how many indie rockers does it take to screw in a light bulb? What — you don’t know? Yeah… you should really go check that out”) or point out a sign that says something like “No Jesus No Peace, Know Jesus Know Peace.” Such fun can turn a good Shake bad.
To counteract all this over-stimulating, anxiety-attack-inducing fun, we’ve been taking solo walks around venue neighborhoods, putting on Jose’s gigantic, ear-enveloping headphones, and, like we did today, heading to the Gainesville public library to visit separate sections.
The previous day Kendrick, Todd, and Jose sought serenity at Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure. Key events included an outstanding 3D Spiderman-themed indoor rollercoaster (Todd: “the Deerhoof of rollercoasters”), a funnel cake and ice cream extravaganza, and an attempted picture with a dude dressed up as Cyclops, who, when Todd suggested we all take a picture together holding hands, said, “are you guys trying to make me look silly?”
Brent visited his grandfather, while all documentation of Lexy’s afternoon was destroyed in a goblin accident. We’ve all been admiring the Spanish moss in the south, and we still can’t believe that we’re touring with Deerhoof (and Budriver, who’s been blowing our minds nightly for several shows now)
We also can’t believe that the tour is only halfway finished. Home is but vague recollection; the reality of tour, apparently, is that you and your band say goodbye to all of your friends, family, and jobs, and do nothing but drive and play music for months on end. This was always something we understood intellectually, but grasping it emotionally requires actually living through the experience. Now, trying to remember the lives we lead back then is like trying to remember certain scenes from Lawrence of Arabia.
You stay classy, internet. See you Friday.