Whoa! Who on earth told Daedelus that it was a good idea to temporarily set aside his unique approach to left-field beat crafting in favor of booty music? Maybe the same folks who suggested a venture into hyphy would do wonders for the career of DJ Shadow? What is it with these West Coast producers these days, man? How many people who blew their minds on the esoteric beat science of …Endtroducing back in the fall of 1996 honestly got down with The Outsider with a total straight face? Daedelus, a graduate of USC’s jazz program, who on past albums like 2003’s Rethinking the Weather and 2005’s Exquisite Corpse, pushed the boundaries of the IDM and hip-hop fusion and established himself amongst the apex of the West Coast’s new breed of electronic composers, seems to have a similar bug in his ear from the sound of his latest EP. Reworking the Ghost Town DJ’s horrendous 1996 dance anthem “My Boo” is not only a travesty against the sonic legacy Daedelus has established for himself throughout the 00’s, it’s a crime against everything good and holy and should be punishable by the total destruction of this dude’s sampler. Daedelus, you are not Diplo. And anyone who has told you otherwise is truly a fair weather friends.