Dan Bryk: Discount Store

Dan Bryk
Discount Store
Urban Myth Recording Collective

Canadian singer-songwriter Dan Bryk isn’t so much folksy as he is popsy — if such a word exists. Sounding like someone who might have fallen off the Matthew Sweet chuck wagon, Bryk brings a highbrow-pop verve to many of these seven songs beginning with the chipper title track which is simple yet elegant at the same time. “Normal”, however, only heightens that vibe with an XTC-ish flavor from beginning to end as his keyboard works a bit of magic. Perhaps the biggest hit on this EP is the catchy and hook-riddled “Put That Boy Away”, sounding as if it’s something Bryk struck gold with after hours and hours playing with his Casio keyboard. However, Bryk never falters during a lighter but just as enjoyable “Summer Heroine” which has a certain roots hue. Following a longer version of the title track, Bryk tosses out the hidden bonus track, “Cherry Berry”.

RATING 6 / 10