
Photo: Nate Brown / Courtesy of the Press House

EG Vines Defines the “Conscience Burden” with Scorching Single (premiere)

Nashville roots rocker EG Vines offers a potent message to listeners—if they were to be cast into a difficult situation, would they do what others expect of them to do or what they truly feel is right?

With his forthcoming EP, EG Vines aims to have a candid Conversation with his listeners. A lack of empathy, the artist asserts, stands at the root of all that is wrong with the world whether it be in the past, present, or future. So, Vines uses his know-how as a songwriter to ruminate on this key theme throughout each of the songs making up the forthcoming album, with new single “Conscience Burden” scorching at its center.

For those who remember Vines for his contributions to the Nashville-based band, the Bandoliers, there’s enough rock flavor here to keep them at home. Otherwise, we are experiencing a renaissance of sound with the innovations at play as Vines strikes it solo. As would be expected of Vines, production on the tune is full and rich, allowing each instrument on the track to stand just as tall as the other and for his own vocal grit to soar as he handles the song as the veritable frontman he has always been.

Vines tells PopMatters, “When the song first came to me, I was watching a lot of war documentaries and it started from a very specific place of a soldier that is either killing for or in spite of their religion. As I got further into the song, it became more approachable from varying angles. To me, it is about the times that we have a choice to either do what we ultimately believe is right or to fall in line with the choice that those around us expect us to make.”

Conversation will be released on 17 August.