Elizabeth King 2021
Photo: Courtesy of Nick Loss-Eaton Media

Elizabeth King Religiously Asks, “What You Gonna Do?”

Memphis sacred soul singer Elizabeth King delivers a gut punch with her latest single, “What You Gonna Do?” as she ponders the apocalypse.

Memphis sacred soul singer Elizabeth King delivers a gut punch with her latest single, “What You Gonna Do?” as she ponders the apocalypse. It’s not climate change she’s singing about, although many of the images are similar (i.e., the world is melting and on fire). The 78-year-old believer knows one can’t hide from the Lord. When Judgement Day comes, one will have to account for one’s behavior. King’s looking forward to that time because she knows where she’s headed. She’s going to a place where there is no more pain and no more heartache. She’s flying to heaven on wings of her own, hallelujah!

The single has a gritty groove and a steady, heart-pounding beat. King sings in a powerful voice with a low register to show her seriousness. She’s earned the right to a better place because of her unspecified trials and tribulations on Earth. Her confidence draws the listener in and makes one ponder, what would one do if the Lord came calling right now. Are we ready to meet our maker?

Ben Chappell (Arctic Monkeys, Miley Cyrus, Nine Inch Nails) and Bill Reynolds (Band of Horses) joined forces to make the music video for King’s “What You Gonna Do?” The Tennessean is center screen and dances in celebration and anticipation. King isn’t showing off the latest moves or her physical abilities the way a younger artist might. She’s guided by the spirit inside her to express her joy. Watching her makes one smile. The single is from King’s forthcoming album I Got a Love, scheduled for an early 2022 release on Bible & Tire.