Entourage: The Movie was almost universally panned when it hit theaters—enough that reviews worked as a repellant for some. But as its DVD release reveals, it’s not that bad.
Really, one of the criticisms leveled against it, that it was like an extra-long episode of the television show filled with about a billion too many cameos, is exactly what makes it so fun to watch at home.
Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) bounces back from a short-lived marriage with the decision to make his directorial debut in film that’s over-the-top but not as over-the-top as the budget. Greenlighted by old pal Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) who just can’t stay retired, the flick, Hyde, needs a cash injection to cross the finish line but first Gold has to visit the film’s financiers Larson and Travis McCredle, played by Billy Bob Thorton and Haley Joel Osment, respectively, and convince them to help bring in a box office victory.
Travis takes a trip to a secret screening at Chase’s house and come the next morning reveals that he hates the picture and demands changes. With Gold’s job riding on the film’s completion and success (it’s a winner, we learn; everyone can feel it), he’s incensed when it looks like McCredle and the studio are going to shut the whole thing down.
Piven and Grenier are joined by Kevin Connolly as Eric Murphy, Kevin Dillon as Johnny “Drama” Chase and Jerry Ferrara as Salvatore “Turtle” Assante, assuring fans of the television show won’t have to do too much brain work to acclimate to the film cast. Naturally, there’s lots of Maxim-style humor here and there more than a faint waft of bro-ish misogyny and a masturbation/revenge porn riff that offers its own share of laughs. Toss in some vaguely veiled homophobia—or is it?—and you’ve got the makings of what is frankly—no irony here—a pretty fun ride, given the circumstances.
Piven has long been a fascinating actor, even when you don’t like the characters he’s playing, and here he doesn’t disappoint. Neither do Grenier, Dillon, Assante, or Connolly. They’re likeable jerks whose shallowness would be offensive if you weren’t so busy being entertained by a plot that zips along at a pace such that the laughs keep coming and the deep thoughts are kept at bay.
You know early on how whole thing is going to resolve but the ride to that stopping point is so fun you don’t worry too much about that, nor the way that the script oafishly sets us up for a sequel. But, hey, what did you expect? This ain’t high art, is it?
You won’t do a lot in the way of repeat watching, but you probably knew that coming into this. That is, unless, you want to make your own bro film. But, hey, why would you?
Extras include an inside peek at Hyde, a gag reel, a helping of deleted scenes, and a cast discussion of what has changed and what has not. It’s a nice package and way more fun than reviews of the theatrical release would have you believe.