
Photo courtesy of AdditivePR

Friend Within Brings Sunshine to the Dancefloor on “Space Jam” (premiere)

Liverpool producer Friend Within's "Space Jam" is the kind of deliciously fun, deep house tune made for detonating those winter blues.

Owner of easily the most beautifully kept mustache in the club scene, Liverpool DJ and producer Friend Within follows up his previous single “Feel It” with another warming club stormer. “Space Jam”. It’s a deliciously fun, deep house tune made for detonating those winter blues.

Riding a thick bassline and a thumping house beat that could trigger minor seismic activity, the track quickly locks into a pulsating groove. Coupled with the Latin piano flourishes and vocal loops, the track targets the pleasure centers and continues to tease them throughout. It’s impossible not to get swept up in the sheer joyousness of the whole thing as Friend Within bathes the mid-winter dancefloor in glorious sunshine.

“Space Jam” is the kind of track that would mesmerize any club crowd, whatever the weather.